Understanding Stripe Connect’s Account Types and Roles

Understanding Stripe Connect’s Account Types and Roles

Introduction to Stripe Connect

Stripe Connect is a powerful platform that allows businesses to easily connect and manage payments with multiple parties. It enables marketplace owners to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers, while taking a small percentage as a fee. To understand how Stripe Connect works, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the different account types and roles involved.

Account Types

1. Platform Account

The platform account is owned by the marketplace owner or the platform itself. It acts as the central account that manages all transactions and distributes funds to the connected accounts. The platform account is responsible for collecting fees and ensures smooth transactions between buyers and sellers.

2. Connected Accounts

Connected accounts are the individual accounts of each seller or service provider on the platform. These accounts are linked to the platform account and have their own separate Stripe Connect account. Connected accounts enable sellers to receive payments directly from buyers through the marketplace.

Roles in Stripe Connect

1. Platform Owner

The platform owner is the entity or person who owns and operates the marketplace. They have full control over the platform account and manage the overall functions of Stripe Connect. The platform owner is responsible for onboarding new sellers, setting transaction fees, and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.

2. Administrator

The administrator is a role assigned by the platform owner. They have limited access to the Stripe Connect dashboard and assist in managing the platform, including onboarding new sellers, handling disputes, and monitoring transactions.

3. Seller or Service Provider

The seller or service provider is the user who operates a connected account on the marketplace. They can list their products or services, receive payments, and manage their account settings. Sellers have their dashboard, which allows them to track sales, customer details, and payouts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can a platform owner have multiple connected accounts?

A1: Yes, a platform owner can have multiple connected accounts. This allows them to handle different vendors or service providers operating in various regions or offering different products.

Q2: Can a seller have multiple connected accounts on different platforms?

A2: Yes, a seller can have multiple connected accounts on different platforms. Stripe Connect allows sellers to manage multiple accounts from a single dashboard, making it convenient for sellers with a presence on multiple marketplaces.

Q3: How are funds distributed from the platform account to connected accounts?

A3: Stripe Connect provides flexible options for fund distribution. Depending on the platform’s preferences, funds can be distributed immediately, on a daily or weekly basis, or according to a custom schedule defined by the platform owner.

Q4: Are there any limitations on the number of connected accounts a platform can have?

A4: Stripe Connect does not impose any specific limitations on the number of connected accounts a platform can have. However, it’s essential to consider the scalability and requirements of your business when managing a large number of connected accounts.


Understanding the different account types and roles in Stripe Connect is crucial for effectively managing payments within a marketplace. With the right knowledge of how these accounts and roles function, marketplace owners can create seamless transactions and provide a user-friendly experience for both sellers and buyers.

Are you looking to create a marketplace or expand your existing platform with Stripe Connect? With the flexibility and robust features it offers, Stripe Connect can streamline your payment processes and facilitate effortless transactions.

If you have any further questions or need assistance in setting up Stripe Connect, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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